[Deathpenalty] death penalty news----COLO., MONT., CALIF.
Rick Halperin
rhalperi at smu.edu
Sun Sep 6 08:56:27 CDT 2015
Sept. 6
After Aurora and Denver verdicts, Colorado mulls death penalty
again----High-profile murder trials jump start death penalty debate in Colorado
The statewide conversation on capital punishment promised more than two years
ago, when Gov. John Hickenlooper granted a death-row inmate a temporary
reprieve, hasn't materialized in the way some had hoped.
But the life sentences that jurors recently handed down to 2 of the state's
most heinous mass murderers have jump-started debate on the death penalty's
future in a state that rarely uses it.
Prosecutors in both cases said death was the only appropriate sentence for the
2 men - and 2/3 of Coloradans polled in a survey during the Aurora theater
trial agreed.
But the eventual actions of the 24 jurors in the 2 cases - although the precise
breakdown for each remains unclear - re-energized the discussion over a
punishment gathering resistance nationally.
By any measure, the crimes, 3 months apart in 2012, were devastating in their
scope: 12 shot dead and 70 wounded inside a movie theater; 5 stabbed to death
in a Denver bar later set ablaze.
For some, the verdicts in the James Holmes and Dexter Lewis trials underscore
long-standing issues: Is the death penalty worth the expense when it's so
seldom used? Should a single juror be able to nullify a death sentence? Should
Colorado join the national trend toward repeal?
For others, the cases demonstrate that the system worked exactly as it should.
One week after the final verdict was read in the theater shooting case,
Arapahoe County District Attorney George Brauchler sat in his Centennial
office, reflecting on reports that a single juror voted for a life sentence for
Had the majority of the jury come back in favor of life, Brauchler might have
2nd-guessed his decision to seek the death penalty.
But not for 1 juror.
"Do you re-evaluate policy for an entire state, an entire system, off one
juror?" Brauchler said. "The death penalty is rock solid in the state, and
everything was done right."
Weeks later, after a Denver judge read the verdict forms that spared Lewis'
life in the bar murders, Chief Deputy District Attorney Joe Morales balanced
his disappointment against the wider implications of the jury's decision.
"If you cannot get 12 people to agree beyond a reasonable doubt that the person
should lose their life for their crimes, then it should not be imposed,"
Morales said. "This was a great day for justice.
But what about the day after? And the day after that?
Broader conversation?
Colorado's top public defender has been awaiting a broader conversation about
the death penalty for more than 2 years.
"There needs to be an honest, open, frank discussion about the different
components of the death penalty," Colorado Public Defender Doug Wilson said
Wilson oversaw the teams of public defenders in the Aurora and Denver cases and
felt that justice was served.
Still, he said, the system should be examined - and the governor should fulfill
the promise he made when he granted the reprieve to death-row inmate Nathan
Dunlap three months before he was scheduled to die for killing 4 people in 1993
at a Chuck E. Cheese's restaurant in Aurora.
"That discussion has not occurred," said Wilson, envisioning a statewide
commission to address all aspects of the issue.
Hickenlooper, who had reserved comment until after the state's 2 capital cases
were resolved, makes his case against the death penalty on the front page of
Sunday's Perspective section in The Denver Post - but he stops short of any
direct recommendation for repeal.
"The death penalty does not make our homes or our state any safer," he writes.
"Life in prison without hope of parole is just and harsh punishment."
For the moment, what the discussion lacks in structure, it makes up for in
immediacy. And for Sam Kamin, a law professor at the University of Denver, the
2 juries' decisions reflected an evolving public attitude toward capital
"I think that there's clearly an ambivalence about the death penalty in
Colorado," he said.
The death penalty, Kamin said, has been a moving target for decades, and as
discussions resume in Colorado, those involved should be asking: What do we
think we're getting from the death penalty?
"Right now, we have an expensive system that doesn't execute anyone," Kamin
Kamin co-authored a study examining the nexus between race, geography and
Colorado's death penalty from 1999 to 2010. The study, which was released
during the theater trial, concluded that the death penalty in Colorado is
sought too infrequently and is applied so arbitrarily across racial and
geographic lines that it is unconstitutional.
But Kamin examined hundreds of cases for his study and notes the hazards of
allowing two distinct cases to shape the conversation.
Bob Grant, the former Adams County district attorney who prosecuted the death
penalty case that resulted in the state's last execution, also cautions against
drawing broad conclusions based on particular cases.
The outcomes of the 2 Colorado trials carried characteristics that he could see
causing at least one juror to balk at capital punishment.
Grant doesn't necessarily see that as an indictment of the death penalty.
Whether capital punishment stays or goes deserves a broader discussion, he
said, like the one the governor promised.
And then, perhaps, a vote.
"If people feel the death penalty has no place in Colorado jurisprudence, so be
it," Grant said. "I suspect they think that there are those cases heinous
enough that the defendant deserves to look the devil in the eye and have the
case weighed by a jury in terms of the ultimate punishment."
A lifelong dream
Repeal of the death penalty has been a lifelong dream for state Sen. Lucia
Guzman, whose father was a murder victim.
In her mind, the back-to-back Colorado decisions against death in 2
particularly brutal crimes points to just how confounding the issue can be for
"The death penalty is definitely not any longer a clear-cut decision," said the
Denver Democrat, "even in the midst of absolute certainty that the perpetrators
tried and convicted were the actual perpetrators."
But the Senate minority leader also recognizes she cannot run a repeal bill on
her own without Republican support. For that reason, she's not sure whether
she'll press the issue in the upcoming session - "but there will be a time."
Rep. Rhonda Fields views capital punishment through a unique lens: 2 of the 3
men currently on Colorado's death row were involved in the murder of her son.
She sees the recent verdicts differently.
"I have drawn some conclusions," said the Aurora Democrat. "Our criminal
justice system works. ... At the end of the day, we have to accept what the
jury said. That doesn't mean the death penalty doesn't have its place."
She said she expects someone to introduce repeal legislation in the upcoming
session, but she remains uncertain whether she would counter that with a bill
of her own, such as to refer the issue to voters.
The political discussion at the Capitol could very well be informed by events
unfolding just across the state line.
Raised voices in the death penalty controversy were well within Colorado's
earshot last spring, when neighboring Nebraska's legislature voted to abolish
its little-used punishment - then overrode Gov. Pete Ricketts' veto by the
slimmest of margins.
Not only did it become the 7th state since 2007 to repeal the death penalty,
but it became the 1st predominantly Republican state to do so in more than 40
Arguments touching on religious, fiscal and practical concerns gained new-found
traction with some conservative Nebraska lawmakers and dovetailed neatly with
traditional values.
"We pride ourselves on being a conservative legislature," said state Sen. Colby
Coash, a Republican who represents a district in Lincoln. "We saw that
repealing the death penalty is in line with our conservative nature of fiscally
responsible government. If any other program in Nebraska were so inefficient
and costly, we would've gotten rid of that a long time ago."
Nebraska's last execution, which was by electrocution, was in 1997, the same
year Colorado put convicted killer Gary Davis to death by lethal injection.
Since Nebraska moved to lethal injection in 2009, the state has carried out no
death sentences amid difficulty in legally obtaining one of the necessary
A signature drive, largely financed by the governor's family, appears likely to
take the issue to voters in the 2016 election.
"Regardless of the outcome," Coash said, "I believe Nebraska has executed its
last inmate."
Stacy Anderson, widely credited with galvanizing conservative grassroots
support for Nebraska's repeal, moved to Denver in July and has begun work as
outreach coordinator for Colorado's effort, the Better Priorities Initiative.
She has been invited to speak to some conservative groups in Colorado, where
she said the death penalty conversation has been in high gear because of the
recently resolved cases. She doesn't think that structured forums are
necessarily the best places for this conversation to happen.
"I think the best types of conversation are ones that happen over cups of
coffee. They're the least emotionally charged and ones where we get the best
sense of what's best for our community," said Anderson, who describes herself
as a Republican convert to the repeal community. "It's easy for these things to
get politicized in super-organized sessions."
On the national radar
The ongoing conversation about the death penalty in Colorado could touch on 1
element that raised concerns locally - and has appeared on the national radar.
The decision for a life sentence over death, in both cases, may have revolved
around the vote of a single juror.
While the judge in the Aurora theater trial squashed any claims that there was
a "plant" on the jury, the potential for 1 juror to nullify 11 other votes for
death has drawn criticism.
But unanimity in pronouncing a death sentence remains the rule in most states.
Colorado briefly abandoned that rule in 1995 after prosecutors - who became
frustrated by juries declining to impose a death sentence - backed a
controversial law that allowed a three-judge panel to sentence a defendant to
death instead of a unanimous jury.
The state returned to juries in 2003.
Still, 3 states do not require jurors to be unanimous in handing down a death
sentence. Alabama, Delaware and Florida allow a jury to recommend a death
sentence without unanimity, and judges in each of those states have the power
to override a jury's decision.
The law in Alabama allows for a 10-2 majority vote. Florida requires a simple
majority when deciding whether aggravating circumstances exist or a defendant
should live or die.
The American Bar Association, which does not take a position on the death
penalty, released a resolution in February urging all jurisdictions with the
death penalty to require unanimity among jurors in finding aggravating factors
and in imposing death.
"This deliberative function is crucial in order to ensure that the death
sentence is not being unfairly or arbitrarily imposed," the resolution reads.
While it's unclear what persuaded any individual jurors to spare the defendants
in the Colorado cases, defense attorneys sought to establish mental health
issues and child abuse as mitigators.
Are those arguments finding more traction with jurors?
In what would be some of his final comments to the jury, Lewis' defense
attorney Christopher Baumann reminded jurors that months earlier, during jury
selection, they each said they could consider a death sentence but also wanted
to hear about the defendant's life.
And so, for a week, jurors heard about the chronic abuse that consumed the
defendant's childhood.
Less than 3 hours after Baumann sat down, at least one of the jurors found that
the facts of the case that suggested mercy outweighed the horrific details that
suggested death.
Alan Tuerkheimer, a jury consultant who founded the Chicago-based firm Trial
Methods, said as topics such as mental illness and abuse are discussed more
frequently and comfortably in the public, those considerations eventually enter
deliberation rooms as well.
"Everybody shares more," Tuerkheimer said. "More people are aware of these
things or have been connected to these issues personally."
Robert Weisberg, professor of criminal law at Stanford who has written
extensively on death penalty issues, doesn't think juries are necessarily
better-informed on behavioral science or that defense lawyers have found better
ways to make those arguments.
Rather, he ties the willingness to consider those issues to a shift in the way
the public generally perceives the death penalty.
"There have always been lots of cases where mental illness is brought in as a
mitigator or child abuse, and most of the time it fails," he said. "I think
it's really more a matter of what's in the water, what's in the national
consciousness. There's simply less motivation behind the death penalty, a
greater sense of it being kind of a pointless exercise."
Hickenlooper, citing what he called Colorado's arbitrary use of the death
penalty, said it does not advance justice.
"Each of these killers will die in prison," he writes in Sunday's Post. "In the
meantime, let's honor the memories of the victims and continue to support the
survivors, their families and loved ones as they heal."
(source: Denver Post)
A renewed debate on Colorado's death penalty
In the past 12 months, two separate polls have indicated that most Coloradans
support the death penalty.
In September of last year, a Denver Post poll found 63 % of respondents support
the death penalty, with 28 % opposed (the rest were unsure).
And 2 months ago a Quinnipiac University poll found 67 % of respondents in
Colorado supported the death penalty, with only 26 % saying it should be
Both of those polls occurred, of course, before the recent verdicts that
sentenced both James Holmes and Dexter Lewis to life in prison without a chance
for parole.
Does that change the political calculus for Coloradans?
Does the fact that criminals who committed 2 of the most brutal massacres in
memory in this state escaped the death penalty despite the efforts of highly
skilled prosecutors say anything about whether the law should be retained?
We think it does. Indeed, the verdicts seem to confirm what death penalty
opponents have been arguing for years: that some of the same Coloradans who
tell pollsters that they support the death penalty are actually reluctant to
vote for it when they find themselves on a jury faced with the life-or-death
For that matter, prosecutors are clearly reluctant to ask for the penalty given
the resources of staff and money they have to pour into the effort over a
period that stretches into years.
The result is that it is almost impossible to predict who will get the death
penalty and who will not - not to mention when a prosecutor will even choose to
seek it.
No law with such serious consequences should be applied so haphazardly.
Perhaps not surprisingly, however, the essays published in this section today
suggest that despite the 2 verdicts, opinions on the death penalty remain
nearly as entrenched as they ever were.
With one possible exception: In her reaction, state Rep. Rhonda Fields,
D-Aurora, appears to flirt with repudiating her past support for the death
penalty, without actually doing so. If she ever does, it will be a major loss
to the coalition in support of capital punishment given her party affiliation
and personal history of having her son's killers on death row.
Even if Colorado's law remains unchanged, it's an ideal time for Coloradans to
reassess arguments for and against the death penalty given what has just
occurred. So long as the penalty remains on the books, the debate about its
morality and fairness will surely continue.
(source: Denver Post Editorial Board)
The ironic persistence of Ron Smith
Pardon our dismay.
Once again, the good people of Montana have been forced to watch the spectacle
of lawyers jumping through hoops in order to try to save the life of a man who
gave up his right to that life 33 years ago when he murdered 2 men because he
wanted to know what it felt like to kill someone.
Ronald Allen Smith pleaded guilty in 1983 to executing Harvey Mad Man Jr. and
Thomas Running Rabbit Jr. near Marias Pass in Flathead County after the
Browning cousins picked him up hitchhiking. He said at first that he wanted to
die for his crime, but then changed his mind, and for the last 3 decades,
Montanans have watched him squirm out of one execution date after another.
Last week, he was at it again. Smith's attorneys have gone to court in Helena
to argue that lethal injection using pentobarbital is cruel and unusual
punishment because the sedative may not be "ultra-fast acting."
The irony of this argument would be delicious were is not so nauseating. Here
we have a man who shot 2 men with a sawed-off rifle in the back of the head
arguing that he thinks it would not be humane to sedate him slowly in
preparation for his death. If he really wants to go quicker, we are sure that
the citizens of Montana would happily volunteer a number of methods of
execution that would be fast-acting.
But honestly, we all know that's not the issue. What Smith and his lawyers are
after is a chance to find a judge who will rule that the death penalty is
unconstitutional. Just as other traditional values have been struck down by
activist courts, so too the notion of compelling the ultimate penalty for
particularly heinous crimes is in the sights of the progressive left. They
haven't been able to convince the Legislature to do away with the death
penalty, so that leaves an activist judge as their best hope.
The other irony, and one we have repeatedly noted in the past 20 years, is that
prolonging Ron Smith's life year after year has amounted to cruel and unusual
punishment not of Smith, but of his victims' friends and family. It is the
legal system itself that should be on trial, not the method of execution.
Keeping Ron Smith alive is an affront to justice itself.
As we noted in 2002, "Smith originally asked for the death penalty. We still
hope he gets his wish."
(source: Editorial, Daily Interlake)
Court to Hear Appeal of Long Beach Cop Killer Sentenced to Death----The
California Supreme Court will hear the appeal of a gang member who shot to
police officers and a pregnant woman.
The California Supreme Court is set to hear an automatic appeal next month in
the case of a gang member who was sentenced to death for the April 2000 murder
of a Long Beach police officer.
The state's highest court is scheduled to hear the case against Ramon Sandoval
Jr. on Oct. 7 in San Francisco.
Sandoval was convicted in October 2002 of 1st-degree murder for the April 29,
2000, killing of Officer Daryle Black, along with the attempted murder of
Black's partner, assault with an assault weapon on a peace officer and assault
with an assault weapon.
Jurors also found true the special circumstances of murder of a police officer
in the performance of his duties, murder to avoid arrest, lying in wait and
street gang murder.
The 1st jury that convicted Sandoval of the crimes deadlocked on whether he
should face the death penalty or life in prison without the possibility of
parole. A 2nd jury recommended a death sentence in April 2003.
Sandoval was sentenced to death the following month, with Superior Court Judge
Joan Comparet-Cassani calling him a "cold-blooded, heartless killer."
The judge said Sandoval spotted Black and his partner, Rick Delfin, in an
unmarked patrol car and fired 28 rounds from an assault rifle to prevent the 2
from nabbing one of his fellow gang members, who was armed and on parole.
At the May 2003 sentencing hearing, the judge said Sandoval recognized the
unmarked car as a police unit as he and other gang members prepared to attack a
member of a rival gang they believed was responsible for an earlier drive-by
shooting in which Sandoval was wounded.
"Defendant Sandoval shot at the police officers 28 times, each and every time
pulling the trigger. He aimed at their heads," the judge said, noting that
Sandoval was about 15 feet away and could see the officers' bodies move as they
were being shot.
"Even though Officer Delfin managed to slowly drive the car down the street to
try to evade the shooter, Sandoval continued to shoot at the police officers,"
the judge said. "The trajectory analysis showed that Sandoval followed his
targets as they attempted to leave the area of the attack."
Black died of a massive head wound, and his partner had to undergo numerous
surgeries, including a knee replacement.
The gunfire also struck a pregnant woman in a nearby residence, with the bullet
lodging inches from her unborn fetus, the judge said.
"If there is a case where death is appropriate, this is one of those cases,"
Comparet-Cassani said.
(source: patch.com)
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